Tuesday, June 30, 2009

do i know a good one when i see one?

i am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest edition to our family..AUDREY ELLE.....i don't think she realizes how much fun this family is! well....she will......
MzZippy isn't feeling well for some reason. Maybe it's because she CANNOT stop eating strange things that she finds on the ground. AND i say to myself..."self....why???"
did i mention that i have brick burn on my face?! it looks like someone punched me...or scratched me a lot....on one side...the right one to b exact....and yes, i fell..on the steps leading UP to my house...because Im BRILLIANT!!
boy, i need to see a good movie. im sick of this "no good movies" part of the summer that we're in. why does that happen?? Ok, so instead of complaining..i will pose the question..."CAN SOMEONE SUGGEST A REALLY FANTASTIC MOVIE FOR ME TO WATCH???" and, don't say "THE HANGOVER" cuz i saw it..and laughed til my face hurt.

OUt --S*


  1. The best movie I have seen in a LONG time is... New in Town. I think it is funny, funny, funny. and by the way how the heck are you and when are you coming back to Mississippi? I would love to make it to one of your shows....Nashville would be awesome.... but it is a little far. Its been a while but I would love to see you.Take care I still think its AWESOME that you MADE IT from that stage singing Papa to where you are now. lots of love!!!

  2. The Proposal was quite funny :o)
