Monday, April 27, 2009

Whoaoo Whoaoo Wha

The funny thing about background vocals is that ..well, nothing....
Ummm, I went to Urban Outfitters today and bought a shirt. It was cute and it has paint on the front of it. black paint.
so if you're there...I already bought it. So, put it down!
Shawna had "The Best Day Ever" and so we bought that shirt as well. So, don't buy that's taken.
By the way...MzZippy got a "pupcake" for her BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! She freaked oUt! I meant to make the "U" caps...
IT had pink dog icing...though she is NOT REALLY a pink kinda gal...She didn't mind....well, in fact...she DID mind....I asked her to sit for her pupcake and she did. So, she minded. She's a good one. It's taken her 1 WHOLE YEAR to get that way! No, Im kidding...She's actually been pretty good for a while. She learns quickly..BBBUTT , she likes to work when "she" feels like it. TERRIERS!
ok, enough about the bitch.
hee hee
Oh, wait..She gets her hair stripped on Thursday! good GOD ..thank you!
Im supposed to be listening to a vocal as it runs past me..So, i gotta run..I got in trouble...POOOOPPPPOOOOOOO ON YOUUOUUO OUOUOUOUOUO JM!!! --S*

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